Stomach/esophagus/pancreas problems?

by Symptom Advice on May 11, 2011

Hello, I've been having some small problem with my stomach lately, I think it's my stomach because I feel discomfort in that area, but it could be related to the esophagus or the pancreas.

The symptoms are strange, they are not really obvious. the most noticeable one it discomfort in the stomach area, as if slightly bloated, a little nervous. I also burp a lot, more than normally.

Sometimes I have chest pain on the left side in random areas close to the surface, it's not the heart I've checked it out and all looked good, but it's pain radiating strangely from the esophagus to the chest (this im sure of ill spare you the details).

And then there's a psychological effect I feel, I sometimes feel dull minded, sometimes I catch myself making slight misconceptions (for instance catch myself thinking it's sunday when it's tuesday, or im in a group of people seating and talking I feel like someones missing and then I tell myself no everyone's here) not big problem but I feel sometimes like im not totally there not fully conscious and sometimes anxious.

I also feel as if I'm lacking in energy but I can go about doing exercise with no prob.

What could this be? Hypoglycemia? Ive had blood tests, all looks good except the antibodies of the chest area were quite elevated.

In summary, discomfort in the stomach area, burping, some chest pains and slight mental effect.

Appreciate any guidance/help. I'm already consulting my MD. perhaps it's an allergic reaction to something?

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