Stott Chiropractic

by Symptom Advice on August 18, 2010

Babies and Infants (Scroll down for section on children and adolescents)


Click on the video above to listen to Dr. Michael Stott explain how chiropractic can help your baby or infant to grow into a healthy and strong adult.

There are a lot of reasons parents take their baby or infant to a chiropractor: colic, allergies, irritability, sleeping and feeding problems, flu-like symptoms, middle ear infections, fevers, asthma, stomach aches and bed-wetting to name a few.

But in reality, the biggest reason to bring your baby or infant to a chiropractor is not dependent on whether they have a health problem or are healthy and well.  The biggest reason for your baby or infant to have chiropractic treatment is to maximise the function of their body, their natural healing processes and their immune system.  when you do this, it allows your child to grow into a healthy adult and help prevent illnesses that older people are predisposed to.

In fact, many illnesses and conditions we have as adults have their route in those first integral years of development.  Some times when a child goes through the birthing process, has a fall or has unnecessary strain on the back, the spine can be put out of place and the nervous system (housed in the spine) can be impaired. 

The nervous system is integral in the functioning of your child’s body as it is responsible for carrying the instructions from the brain to each part of the body.  With improper messages or incomplete messages being carried around the body, illnesses can easily manifest in the future.  Some of these resulting conditions and illnesses can over time become irreversible if not dealt with at an early age.

So it is important to have your child treated early so that their spine can be corrected and thereby allowing them to grow healthy and strong.

*Chiropractic treatment on babies and infants is gentle and unobtrusive, and has been used safely on children for almost 100 years.

Click here to learn about how chiropractic can treat colic on babies

Children and Adolescents


Click on the video above to listen to Dr. Michael Stott explain how children and adolescents can benefit from chiropractic.

Just like in babies and infants, the effects of stresses or strains on the back, no matter how minor they may seem, may develop into illnesses or conditions five, ten, fifteen years later, if they are not corrected early by a chiropractor. 

It could, for example, be as simple as a fall of a bike that could affect the back, thereby interfering or distorting the messages being sent through the nervous system housed in the back.  The messages sent through the nervous system from the brain tell the rest of the body how to function. 

And although it may not affect your child for a long time afterwards, if the body isn’t functioning properly symptoms and illnesses can be allowed to manifest.  after all, symptoms and illnesses are simply the body’s way of telling you something is not functioning as it should.

Some parents choose to take their child or adolescent to a chiropractor if they have flu-like symptoms, ear infections, fevers, colic, asthma, tonsillitis, allergies, bed-wetting, infections, pains, had a fall, stomach-aches or growing pains.  Although chiropractors do not treat these conditions, many find that once their child’s body’s functioning and immune system is corrected through chiropractic, that their child experiences notable improvement.

*Chiropractic treatment on children and adolescents is gentle and unobtrusive, and has been used safely on children for almost 100 years.

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