Strep Throat Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on December 28, 2010

Strep throat symptoms occur after the strep throat incubation period. Strep throat incubation period lasts for three to five days (that’s the average). Strep throat infection is caused by bacteria and spreads very fast. Bacteria can live for quite a long time which only contributes to spreading of the infection. Strep throat infection is passed from person to person by close physical contact.

Children and people who work in crowded places are exposed to this infection more than others. Also, family members are at risk, since physical contact with an infected family member can hardly be avoided, since he/she lives in the same house.

Strep throat symptoms are: throat soreness (here we have to make a distinction between soar throat and strep throat. The first one is viral infection while the second one is bacterial infection. Those two cannot be treated with the same medications and they differ in many ways); there’s pain while swallowing, lymph nodes become swollen, yellow or white spotting occurs on the tonsils and the throat; throat turns red and fever can also occur. some patients can get a skin rash that is quite fast-spreading. first it appears on the chest or back, and then starts to spread onto other body parts. after some time the rash will start to disappear and the skin will peal on those spots. it can be accompanied by fever (“scarlet fever”).

Strep Throat Symptoms in Adults

We have mentioned some of the most common strep throat symptoms. Those are the symptoms common both in adults and children.

Still, some symptoms are more characteristic for adults: discomfort, unease, nausea and loss of appetite, pain in muscles, fever and stiffness of joints. Body temperature grows higher when the fever starts. Vomiting may also occur so as pain in the abdomen. Lymph nodes get swollen and the throat turns red, so as the tonsils. Rash is possible to appear both in adults and children, accompanied by scarlet fever. Adults are often too busy and it may take some time until they even notice that they have symptoms different that those of cold. This can put them at risk, so as their families and co-workers, since strep throat infection is a fast-spreading one.

Strep Throat Symptoms in Children

Strep throat symptoms in children are not very different than those in adults, but there are some differences due to one’s age. When it comes to infants, the symptom that will probably occur first is yellow nose drainage (sometimes it is green).

It is accompanied by an appetite loss and mild fever. it is very important to know these symptoms, since your infant cannot really tell you what’s bothering him. Toddlers have throat soreness first and they can tell you about the pain while swallowing. They do not have much appetite and lymph nodes are visibly swollen. Children who are older experience fevers stronger that that in infants and may complain about the tonsils and throat. They also experience painful swallowing. Other symptoms are similar to those in adults.

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