Stress Symptoms Seen from the Mouth ~ Healthy Lifestyle Choice

by Symptom Advice on January 18, 2011

Stress and Symptoms
If a person experiences excessive stress will generally feel a headache. while severe stress can be characterized by several symptoms such as oral and dental health problems.

As quoted from WebMD, Friday (12/24/2010) severe stress and anxiety can affect oral health include sprue, menggeretak teeth, unhealthy and mouth disease other teeth and gums.

Stress and the Occurrence of Disease
Canker sores in the mouth is usually marked with reddish white sores that appear inside the mouth and sometimes can occur several in different places. Although experts are not sure what the cause, but possibly due to viral or bacterial infection because there is a problem in the immune system. When a person feels stress or fatigue will make it prone to thrush because their immune low.

Most canker sores disappear within a week to 10 days and to reduce irritation to try to avoid spicy foods, hot or highly acidic.

Gnash teeth
Unconsciously when under stress a person will clench and grind their teeth day and night, but this activity is one of the bad habits that can cause problems in the temporomandibular joint (temporomandibular joint / TMJ). This joint is located in front of the ear where the bones of the skull and lower jaw meet.

Poor oral health
Are under extreme pressure will affect the mood that can make caring for someone through oral hygiene habits and eating unhealthy foods like snack foods sweet.

If the mouth is not well maintained, it will affect the health of the mouth and teeth as a whole. This condition can lead to diseases of the gums and increase the risk of cavities. Though maintain personal hygiene and healthy food consumption also can help relieve stress and boost the immune system.

Gum disease
Stress can cause an increase in dental plaque, although only a short-lived. If there is a longer term stress can promote the risk of bleeding gums, gingivitis and other gum disease more severe. in addition, stress can cause depression, and according to the study of depressed patients are known to have two times higher risk of experiencing treatment failure is the maximum for gum disease.ShareRelated Posts Widget by Photo Fun

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