Swine Flu: The City of Buenos Aires declared sanitary emergency

by Symptom Advice on February 16, 2011

Mauricio Macri, Buenos Aires city major, decreed this afternoon the sanitary emergency in the City due to the advance of swine flu.

The city major prompted the population this afternoon to “stay calm and observe hygienic preventive measures” to slow down the progression of swine flu.

He also confirmed that classes will be suspended starting Monday July 6 until August 3 and requested those with virus symptoms remain in their homes.

These measures will increase the winter holidays period at all schools, which will last four weeks. both the Health Minister, Jorge Lemus, and the Education, Minister Mariano Narodowski, explained that this is by no means a holiday as kids should stay in their homes.

Lemus added that the ministery “does not hide any local or national statistical data”, while urged the population to maintain a preventive “shield”.

The city minister of Urban Development ,ChaĆ­n Daniel , is a confirmed case of swine flu. He is at home, taking medication, after the test that was performed at a clinic read positive.

Also the chief of cabinet, Rodriguez Larreta, has a strong flu and is undergoing medical tests.

The minister of Public Space and Environment, Juan Manuel Piccardo, would undergo medical tests as he shows similar symptoms.

According to informed sources from the city government the Ecuatorian advertising and marketing consultant Jaime Duran Barba also has shown flu symptoms in the last hours.

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