Symptoms of a Toxic Colon

by Symptom Advice on May 21, 2011

Due to unhealthy lifestyles that consist of bad food habits, lack of exercise, stress, abusive intake of drugs, the colon isn’t able to function properly. When the colon cannot do its function of eliminating waste from the body, the waste gets accumulated in the colon. it impairs the digestive principles and slowly the other systems in the body could get affected. The body stops getting the required nutrients. Also water which is reabsorbed from the colon stops getting reabsorbed foremost to dehydration of the body. The fact that citizen prefer to have aerated drinks these days instead of water doesn’t help either. with growth in toxin levels in the colon, they get transferred to other tissues and organs through the bloodstream.

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The root cause for many disorders could be the toxins in your colon. Many of the symptoms connected with a toxic colon consist of all the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. these consist of constipation, diarrhea or a composition of both, along with pain and pain in the abdomen, a bloating feeling, gas and heartburn. it could also lead to cramping and vomiting.Autointoxication is a toxic health that results when toxins are not eliminated from the body. this brings about other symptoms like headache, foul breath, fatigue, body odor, backaches, arthritis, asthma and other allergies. You might experience fatigue at work, inability to sleep at night, low vigor levels, low levels of attention and irritability too. The toxins from your colon could influence the skin causing blemishes, acne, paleness and wrinkles to name a few symptoms.

If you experience mystery in weight management, the toxins in your colon could be responsible. You might see yourself eating slowly but find yourself gaining weight unexplainably. it becomes difficult to operate your weight.

If you look at the above list you would realise that so many of the problems you might have which could not be explained could be due to a toxic colon.

Symptoms of a Toxic Colon

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