Symptoms of acute and chronic sinusitis

by Symptom Advice on February 1, 2011

Fever is not considered a symptom of sinusitis infection. a person who goes through a simple congestion with fever, probably has flu and probably could not have need of special medicines or antibiotics. Ideally would be to treat sinusitis in an incipient phase, undiagnosed and untreated complications of sinusitis can cause serious health problems, which may lead to death.

Complications that require emergency treatment:

1. Headache, fever and swollen skin soft may indicate a sinus infection of frontal bone.2. Swollen eyelids can result from infection of Ethmoid sinusitis. a person with this infection may lose the ability to move the eyes, which in turn can lead to blindness.3. Ethmoid and frontal sinusitis may also lead to the formation of blood clotting in the sinus area.

Acute sinusitis

1. Ethmoid sinusitis (behind the eyes) Pain around the eye or along the nose; Nasal congestion with discharge and fever;

2. Maxillary sinusitis (behind the cheek bones) Nasal congestion and fever; Tenderness, redness or swelling of the jaw; Pain on one side or both sides of the jaw; Pain in the mandible and maxilla, which may reach the upper teeth.

3. Frontal sinusitis (behind forehead, one side or both sides of the forehead) Nasal congestion and fever; Severe headache pain in forehead; Pain intensity decreases when you sit with your head in a vertical position.

4. Sphenoid sinus (between eyes) Nasal congestion and fever; Pain intensifies when lying down; Headache deep in the center behind the head, around the forehead and behind the eyes.

Chronic sinusitis

1. Ethmoid sinusitis Nasal congestion, sore throat, discomfort due to inflammation; Pain intensifies during the morning or when wearing glasses; Chronic inflammation of the throat and shortness of breath;

2. Maxillary sinusitis Discomfort in the area below the eyes; Teeth ache.

3. Frontal Sinusitis Persistent pain, reduced forehead intensity;

4. Sphenoid sinusitis Headache, quite mild, but persistent.

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