Symptoms Of Bladder Infection In Women

by Symptom Advice on May 11, 2011

A common health problem among women is urinary tract infection (UTI). Bacteria enter the urethra or the urine tube and begin growing there. It results in inflammation of the bladder. The bacteria are usually the e-coli type. Sometimes the cause may be fungus or virus infestation but bacteria are the most common causative agents. Men also suffer from this problem, though to a lesser degree.

Repeated infections can occur if you are negligent. The infection is attributed to poor hygiene. some intra-uterine devices such as diaphragm used for sexual activity have spermicides. This kills the normal bacteria present in the vagina and enables harmful disease causing bacteria to grow. if you are under stress or have been ill, your resistance to disease gets lowered and you are prone to more bouts of infection. even consumption of excess alcohol can make you susceptible to UTI.

Many symptoms warn you of bladder infections. They are:

Low grade feverPainful and frequent urinationPain in abdomen and lower backUrine gives of bad smellBlood in urineInability to control urineIf a child has infection, she will be irritable and wet the bed.

If the infection spreads to the kidneys, then the symptoms will be more severe with nausea, diarrhoea, high fever and back pain which is of a high degree.

A doctor should be consulted as soon as any of these symptoms appear even if they are mild. he will ask you to get a urine test to ascertain infection and a culture to see what type of bacteria are present. Antibiotics will be given to treat the infection and pain relieving medicine for abdominal and back pain.

You can hasten recovery in the following ways :

  • Drink six to eight glasses of water. Fruit juice and light tea may be taken. Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • Keep the vaginal area clean. Wash after urination with water to which a few drops of mild antiseptic solution have been added.
  • Wear cotton undergarments so that a damp and moist area is not created which will encourage bacteria to grow. Cotton will allow air to circulate, keeping the area dry.
  • Desist from sexual intercourse for the duration of infection.
  • Wash hands properly so that no germs are introduced to the area.

These precautions will prevent recurring bladder infections and will save you many visits to the doctor. some mild forms of infection tends to disappear without treatment but it is always prudent to take advice from doctor as a severe form of UTI effects the kidneys and may cause damage to them.

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