Symptoms of Cancer Cervix

by Symptom Advice on August 25, 2010

In most cases, cancer of the cervix is without symptoms. It was discovered by smear in the absence of warning signs. Sometimes however, relatively discrete clinical signs should lead to quickly check.

Most cancers of the cervix are without symptoms, but some forms give rise to bleeding or unusual discharge. Faced with these symptoms should consult your doctor even if the last smear was negative. Discovered by chance in most cases

Uterus cancer symptoms. vast majority of cancerous lesions of the cervix uteri are discovered incidentally during a smear as part of a gynecological consultation or even a medical consultation. more on this review, discover our dossier “smear against cancer of the cervix uteri“.

But too often, regular screening is not performed regularly in some women. various surveys have found an unequal distribution of the realization of these smears with sometimes a repetition of the annual examination in women at low risk and at-risk populations have not undergone a gynecological examination. Finally, the practice of Pap smear is too often abandoned after 50 years, while the risk of cancer of the cervix increases after that age. But sometimes the signs can alert. Discover immediately.

Relatively discreet signs should alert you. These are essentially losses abnormal: minor bleeding occurs between periods or after menopause, spotting pink or brown. These problems can be caused by micro-trauma: sex, travel, toilets. These signs should lead you to see.

A pelvic exam can reassure you and then immediately detect a tumor, which stage of development will be clarified by other investigations (staging of the tumor).

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