Symptoms of chronic prostatitis?

by Symptom Advice on December 25, 2010

My husband has been feeling generally unwell for over a month following a urodynamics test. He had a BHP operation last year, and at that time suffered long bouts of infection. He's been on antibiotics for a month, and blood and urine tests keep coming up clear with no sign of infection though his long term ESR is raised. Doctor thinks it might be inflamed rather than infected prostate? He feels unwell pretty much all of the time, sometimes worse than at other times, but doesn't have obvious other urinary tract symptoms except for occasional sharp pains in the groin/abdomen coming down into the top part of the penis. He has frequency at night, (and also suffers from chronic back pain, spinal problems, so lower back pain may or may not be part of the prostatic problem).
Anyone any views on whether this chronic malaise is in fact prostatitis?

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