Symptoms Of Depression

by Symptom Advice on March 22, 2011

Symptoms of depression may vary from person to person. Also symptoms in teenagers are little different than adults.

Mood: Mood of the patient shows the symptoms of depression. People who are victim of depression mostly feel sad or blue. The patient wants to remain alone and feels relaxed in darkness. He/she loses interest in even those activities which are if his interest. he avoids meeting any visitor and restricts his social activities. he may also avoid meeting relatives and friends. he may get irritated over simple matters. Depressed patients also get angry over silly matters.

Appetite and Weight: Weight and appetite also show symptoms of depression. The patient’s appetite increases or decreases abnormally. If his appetite increases than his weight start increasing and if appetite decreases than his weight decreases. Depression patients show noticeable weight gain or weight loss.

Weakness: Fatigue or tiredness is another symptom of depression. People feel very weak and tired without any obvious reasons. Patients feel deprived of energy without doing any hard work.

Thoughts: Feelings towards himself and towards the world change. he may keep feeling guilty and worthless. he may even get suicidal thoughts and may speak to you regarding committing suicide.

Sleep Problems: Depression patients start facing sleep problems. they may wake up at night or find difficulty in sleeping. some patients also show signs of excessive sleeping.

Memory Problem: Patients with depression face memory problems. they forget things easily and are unable to concentrate on anything. School going children with depression symptoms may perform badly in school. they may complain about stomachaches and headaches frequently.

Symptoms in Adolescents: They become less concerned about their lives and don’t bother about their safety. they take risks such as driving with high speed, getting addicted to drugs or alcohol. they also indulge in unprotected sex.

There are various other symptoms of depression such as feeling of hopelessness, helplessness etc. People start feeling that they are burden to others hence they have no right to live; which make them think that they should commit suicide. some people don’t want to be left alone and some patients don’t want to do even smallest task because they think that those tasks are impossible to be done. Depression patients lose their confidence.

You should take depression symptoms seriously and consult doctor regarding it. there are vitamins for depression which can reduce depression symptoms.

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