Symptoms of Kidney Stones

by Symptom Advice on May 21, 2011

Symptoms of Kidney Stones you need To be Aware Of

Knowing what symptoms are related to kidney stones can be difficult especially if you haven’t had them before. if you have a mild case of kidney stones you may not realize the symptoms but a more severe case is hard to ignore due to the pain. Recognizing the symptoms of kidney stones no matter what type they may be is important to getting them treated and resolved quickly.

Aside from pain, one of the most common symptoms of kidney stones is nausea, a sick feeling in your stomach or vomiting. even if you experience these symptoms you could be suffering from some other condition with the same symptoms. but if you have lower back pain, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or goring pain this is an indication of kidney stones. There are of course over the counter remedies for the nausea symptoms or others that are more natural such as ginger, but you must also consider treating the stones themselves too. if you want to avoid more serious complications you should have your doctor confirm that your symptoms are the result of kidney stones before you try to treat them with over the counter medications.

Treating the symptoms of kidney stones and getting rid of the stones themselves may be two separate issues. you should get medical attention fast if you are having severe pain symptoms although some pain can be relieved with over the counter methods.

Depending on how serious the problem is, your doctor will recommend a course of treatment, and you should also make sure you eat well and drink enough water. Pain killing prescription medication may be prescribed by your physician for severe cases although many symptoms can be controlled with conventional over the counter pain relievers.

Some kidney stone sufferers experience a dull, chronic pain in their lower back. This is one symptom that can be hard to diagnose, as back pain is a common problem that has many other causes as well. The type of back pain associated with kidney stones is, however, a little different from other kinds. This tends to be back pain that is dull and constant and that’s unrelated to physical activity. Of course, you can treat this with pain killers, but this won’t help the underlying condition. another clue that your back pain may be related to kidney stones is if other symptoms, such as tiredness or pain when urinating are also present.

As such symptoms can mean any number of things, it’s important to see your doctor for advice.

As you can see from this information kidney stones don’t have just one symptom there are many. your physician can help determine the best course of treatment for your kidney stones once he/she has determined what type is affecting you. in many cases, natural and home remedies can be effective if the kidney stones aren’t too large. It is a mistake to ignore the signs and symptoms of kidney stones, they will only increase in severity if you don’t get them taken care of sooner rather than later.nano wand

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