Symptoms Of Perimenopause Depression

by Symptom Advice on March 10, 2011

menopause/perimenopause symptoms?

First, I have to say that I am diagnosed with recurrent depression. what I am having now though seems different than the “normal” bouts of depression I have. Sometimes I feel fine and then other times I feel very emotional and on the verge of tears. I sweat buckets, not really so much at night, just sort of whenever, I’m tired alot, not much interest in sex, terrible memory problems, cant seem to focus/concentrate, my periods will be regular for a few months and then I may skip one. can any of you ladies that are going through or have gone through menopause tell me about your symptoms to reassure me that I am not losing my mind.

Menopause and perimenopause are two different things and should not be confused as one. Perimenopause refers a 10 to 15 year period of time before regular menopause begins. The main cause of perimenopause is because of a hormonal imbalance. These imbalances can start for women in their mid to late 30’s, but most women do not experience hormonal imbalance until their 40’s. Early Menopause Symptoms are much like normal or regular menopausal symptoms. Some of the most common early menopausal complaints are hot flashes, Night Sweats, vaginal dryness, and body odor change, depression, anxiety, and thinning hair.

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