Symptoms of sun poisoning

by Symptom Advice on March 22, 2011

Published on March 22, 2011 by giorinelavmayt   ·   No Comments

Nearly all of us experience itchiness, redness of skin, rashes, or maybe blisters on the skin, with extended exposure to the sun. several of us may in addition get fatigue, nausea; vomiting etc. they are the warning signs that denotes sun poisoning. Sun poisoning refers to an unhealthy reaction which develops with prolonged exposure to the sun. this is associated with alters in the power of the skin to endure the rays of the sun. Though it may also be linked with certain cures or maybe skin balms.

What causes Sun Poisoning?

Sun poisoning is mainly invoked by prolonged exposure to the strong and deleterious ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. It takes place most normally in hot summers when the ultraviolet rays are the strongest. Additionally, light-skinned persons are more in danger of suffering from sun poisoning. That is due to less amount of protecting melanin pigment. Though, it is able to have an effect on any person who expends long hours in the sun. The possibility of having sun poisoning enhances completely by the use of definite chemicals, drugs, and cosmetics. Drugs, such as sulfa-comprising drugs, tranquilizers, anti-hypertensives, drugs used for diabetes mellitus, anti-fungal, and birth control pills, could trigger sun poisoning. also direct contact with substances like detergents, deodorant bar soaps, shampoos definite cosmetics and toiletries, followed by the exposure to sun rays may lead to sun poisoning also. Besides that, definite chemical that are discovered in vegetables and fruits might in addition be responsible for the particular photosensitive reactions.

Sun poisoning is of two types. In the first type, the skin reacts to the sun rays by having red, bumpy skin related to rashes. while in the second type, heat stroke, sunstroke, and heat prostration occurs. this is due to dehydration and the loss of electrolytes that happens in sun poisoning.

The severity of the signs produced by sun poisoning depends on the duration of the exposure to the ultraviolet rays, strength of the sun rays, as well as the capacity of the body to endure the sunrays. These signs may appear to be either soft or perhaps pretty serious.

Several of the ordinary warning signs of sun poisoning that are made incorporate the following:

Redness of the skin, Tenderness of the skin, Red skin rash, Itching Blister formation, Fever, Chills, Flu-like warning signs, Nausea, Vomiting, Drowsiness, Dehydration, Dizziness, Loss of liquid, Electrolyte misbalance

Surplus exposure might also cause worsening and damage to the skin. In serious cases, sun poisoning may in addition lead to early aging, wrinkle formation and skin cancer in some cases.

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