Symptoms Of Tonsillitis

by Symptom Advice on January 10, 2011

Tonsillitis – a sort of acute inflammation of the tonsils (those which are colloquially referred to as “glands”). they are located on every side of the entrance to the throat and are clearly visible if you look into her open mouth. on scientific inflammation of the tonsils is known as tonsillitis and sore throat – only his form, which is an acute inflammation caused by a single microbe (beta-hemolytic group a streptococcus – his full name). This increased attention to a single form of tonsillitis is caused by the fact that angina typically occurs very challenging and gives dangerous complications (including death!).

The very first symptoms of tonsillitis associated with inflammatory response to mucosa of the soft palate, uvula, tonsils – redness, swelling, a sore throat. This period is referred to as catarrhal sore throats.

Symptoms of tonsillitis – pain in the throat, specially when swallowing, fever (39-40 degrees, can reach up to 41 degrees), severe weakness, headache, lymph nodes, which are palpated under the mandible close to the neck (their probing painful). Children (especially young) and is characterized by more symptoms: refusal to eat, drooling (it is since it hurts to swallow), kids can not decompress the teeth (this is known as lockjaw masticatory muscles). If it is possible to see the tonsils, they look like this: red, covered with a purulent coating (white and yellow) – the so-called lacunar tonsillitis – or, as it had been packed with pale yellow bubbles, like grains of rice symptoms of tonsillitis.

The most dangerous complications of sore throat:

within the early stages – abscesses in the throat (the formation of big cavities, filled with pus), the spread of infection inside the chest, the cranial cavity with the development of inflammation of the meninges (meningitis), an infectious-toxic shock syndrome (poisoning of the body products, and microbial decay of body tissues), sepsis (“blood poisoning”, i.e. the penetration of infection into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body);

In the later stages (2-4 weeks) – rheumatic (connective tissue disease with involvement of the joints, heart, brain), glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation of noninfectious origin, leading to serious health problems, even kidney failure).

From this short list of complications that required to treat a sore throat is not just necessary, but is strictly required! Angina treated with antibiotics, which need to appoint a physician.

An additional significant feature – the sore throat is contagious, so patients ought to be isolated, don’t let him youngsters and also the elderly, he should have his own dishes, which is the period of the illness no 1 should use it.

Try learning more knowledge to do with symptoms of tonsillitis by learning info on symptoms of tonsillitis.

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