TB keratopathy? Corneal transplant symptoms! Allergic keratitis, should be how to treat it? How can there be than

by Symptom Advice on May 4, 2011

Fluorescent colored one, if ulcer present, immediately disabled, according to ulcer treatment. Surgical treatment, the condition of patients to choose surgery. Common methods are: mechanical debridement, anterior chamber puncture, conjunctival flap covering, corneal transplantation. TCM treatment is based on morbidity reason for Differential Treatment of reasons. if wind-heat on the offense, the election Yinqiaosan class Shufeng heat agents; if Hepatobiliary Huochi, like Long Dan Xie Gan Liver Xiehuo election agent; fumigation caused by heat, the election three soups of the heat kernel Qushi agent; is virtual evil remain, the need to uphold the election CLINICS pills like prescriptions for treatment. Chinese except internal medicine, but also with local treatment, often preparation of Chinese traditional medicines used eye drops, eye drops, such as skullcap, etc.; a serious condition that can be used for the injection of silver yellow subconjunctival injection. this, they can also be smoked with traditional Chinese medicine Jianshui after the service, or Chinese medicine decoction atomization. shallow punctate keratitis what are the causes and treatment? superficial punctate keratopathy is a series hurt the corneal epithelium, epithelial basement membrane, before the elastic membrane and its surrounding matrix of corneal superficial punctate lesions, clinically referred to shallow punctate keratitis. clinically there are three types, namely, epithelial punctate keratitis, punctate punctate epithelial erosions and infiltration of the skin, in most of the specific diseases, the three types of disease exist, but severity and scope the difference. superficial punctate keratopathy in the etiology of complex and varied, generally include: bacterial: Putao bacteria is often associated with corneal inflammation of the eyelid under the l / 3 of epithelial erosion, while a dot surface inflammation and subcutaneous infiltration on the edge of the Department; other a variety of bacterial conjunctivitis are often accompanied by three types of superficial punctate keratopathy, or can be scattered diffusely in the whole cornea, and more typical performance is involved in the peripheral cornea. Virus: any acute viral conjunctival Early inflammation, may cause punctate epithelial erosion. toxin: local frequent eyedrops (antibiotics, anti-metabolic drugs) and ultraviolet (snow blindness, welding, etc.) irradiation. mechanical and chemical damage: epithelial abrasions, trichiasis, exposure, the chemical debridement agent (iodine, trichloroacetic acid, etc.), PR K postoperative epithelial basement membrane degeneration and malnutrition. other: reason reason, including drying and immune-related keratitis, on the edge of the cornea sclera conjunctivitis, vernal conjunctivitis , pollen and drug allergies, and God raised keratitis and other planning. Treatment is to remove the cause, anti-inflammatory agents such as anti-infection and nutrition and artificial tears such as calf serum. motherland medicine often into the wind-heat on the disease guilty, such as lung and kidney syndrome. wind-heat on the drug offense permits selection of wind-dispersing heat, nourishing the lung and kidney cards used in Chinese medicine to treat lung and kidney. can also be used herbal fumigation or fogging. Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ophthalmology middle with Mask treatment of the disease have a good effect. stromal keratitis what kinds of points, each unique in what cause? corneal stromal keratitis refers to the diffuse inflammatory infiltration, tissue damage is not caused by ulcerative lesions for corneal antigen-antibody reaction. mainly tuberculosis stromal keratitis, stromal corneal ulcer Myrica inflammation, leprosy, stromal go far. stromal keratitis tuberculosis: Tuberculosis keratopathy in other parts of the eye has tuberculosis the root of the pedicle occurred foundation for the secondary, can be found in the following cases: ? the conjunctiva or sclera surrounding the spread of TB from changing; ? Putao film from the back of the cornea along the extension of the corner or spread; ? eyelashes TB-like body breakthrough scleral venous sinus node, causing the rear of TB spread in the cornea; ? tuberculous uveitis by the expansion of the back due to a direct violation of the cornea. more than one eye disease, only to invade the cornea of a sector, in the middle and deep stroma showed patchy infiltrates or nodular lesions, greyish yellow, new blood vessels invasion, dense residual scarring. course of slow, there is another attack for anti-bias. Bayberry ulcer stromal keratitis: Department of corneal ulcer of bayberry helical chains of allergic reactions caused by diffuse inflammation stroma. its pathogenesis is immune inflammatory response, embryonic period or the day after the spiral chain of infection, with hematogenous of cornea, corneal tissue sensitization. Since then, keep the body when the other hidden parts of the spiral chain antigen or toxin has been sensitized with blood flow to reach the cornea, because of local antigen-antibody reaction or antigen-antibody reactions and the incidence of complement. Bayberry ulcer stromal keratitis occurs mainly in patients with congenital Yangmei sore, or both eyes before and after the onset. Bayberry sore the day after tomorrow may occur occasionally, but mostly monocular nature, the disease has almost disappeared in the four seas. ocular manifestations: apparent irritation, corneal deposits, corneal haze was real layers, brush-like new vascular invasion, and finally the residual corneal stroma more or less turbid plaques and atrophy of the blood vessels. leprosy stromal keratitis: M. leprae infection via blood during eye and face, causing the temporal zygomatic branch of facial nerve and the trigeminal face branch damage, abnormal position of the eyelid, the normal corneal reflex action and eliminate the blink of an eye, leading to exposure keratitis, corneal opacity and damage caused by leprosy bacilli can also be caused by direct invasion of corneal stromal keratitis. mainly the early small punctate keratitis, diffuse surface after the growth of punctate keratitis, and then showed diffuse infiltration or discoid matrix matrix invasion and neovascularization.

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