Tetanus Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Vaccine and Prevention?

by Symptom Advice on January 27, 2011

Not to sure what the Q is?? But tetanus can be caused by stepping on a rusty nail. That's what my Mom used to tell me. another name for it is lock jaw (self explanatory). Symptoms are a locked jaw. Dr. needs to treat it. Vaccine? yes. Prevention, don't go bare foot where there may be rusty dirty nails or tin laying around.

Tetanus is caused by a microbe that enters the body via a lesion.
It is prevented by vaccine that is usually given in childhood and is effective for about ten years. However, it is adivsed to have a booster if one gets a puncture wound at any time.
The symtoms begin with muscle weakness, then spasm, then tetany (spasm to the point of paralysis).

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