The Causes and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

by Symptom Advice on December 31, 2010

The infection of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) that does not heal for long time which can cause cervical cancer that attacks the cervix or cervical area. Because of reduced immune system, it will be more danger  and can cause cervical cancer. At this stage, the symptoms of cervical cancer is not very visible. therefore, cervical cancer, which begins with HPV infection called “The silent Killer

Symptoms of HPV infection could be observed although there is not always an indication of infection. One of the symptoms of cervical cancer is the presence of whitish or spend a little blood after intercourse. in addition, a yellowish liquid that smells in the genital area could be an indication of HPV infection. this virus can spread and infect other people through direct contact and sexual intercourse.

If on one hand there is the HPV and then touching the genital area then this will move the virus and can infect the cervix or cervical area. the another mode of transmission is: If a cancer patient who uses the toilet closet, then the HPV virus contained in the patient moves to the closet. and you use it without cleaning it first, it could have moved the virus to your genital area.

Unhealthy lifestyle could also be supporting the growing number of people with cervical cancer.the bad Habits such as smoking, lack of vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid can cause cervical cancer. Nutritious food and a healthy lifestyle will make the immune system and will prevent HPV infection.

Cervical cancer can occur in women who are sexually active from an early age, frequently changing sex partners, sex with men who frequent change of partners. Other causes of the Pill for a long time or it could be from families that have a history of cancer.

The man who showed no symptoms of HPV infection are often able to pass on to their partner. If a man had sex with women suffering from cervical cancer and this man had sex with his wife, then HPV  was able to move to his wife.

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