The common man suffering from prostatitis symptoms « Health Living Blog

by Symptom Advice on May 15, 2011

The prostate is a man in the largest body gonadal, it produces the prostatic secretion is an important part of semen, it is very fragile, easily hurt, prostate damage when still can the occurrence of male infertility, so its health nots allow to ignore. due to the emergence of the conditions of prostatitis, the direct impact on the normal life, some men will lead to feelings between husband and wife is incomplete, it is likely to make your sex life affected, so men should learn to spare his own body, do male disease early prevention, introduce prostatitis five symptoms, hope can play a help for men.

So prostatitis five symptoms what exactly do you mean? In this, in this introduction, the prostate experts below several situations is specific about the symptoms of the disease:

1, micturition discomfort:

First appeared prostatitis patients micturition will appear significant discomfort, specific can appear bladder irritation disease, such as frequency, micturition urethral searing, pain and when the penis radiation to the head. Morning urethral mouth can have mucus, etc, also can appear the secretion of dysuria feeling.

2, neurasthenia symptoms:

Dizzy, fatigue, dream, insomnia, exhaustion, etc.

Posterior urethral, perineal and anus sank bilge discomfort, in next crouching, defecate and long hours in chair stool flatulence heavier.

4, sexual dysfunction:

Chronic prostatitis can cause the sexual appetite decrease and premature ejaculation ejaculation pain, disease, and influence in semen quality, after voiding when still can appear or shit is white, merger urethral opening flow may appear blood when seminal vesicle phlogistic pure.

5, radioactive pain:

Chronic prostatitis pain and more than in the urethra and limitations to the perineal, will also near the radiation, see more with low back pain. In addition, the penis, spermatic, testicular scrotum, belly, groin area (ham root), thigh, wait for place all can involvement rectum. as noted, chronic prostatitis cause lumbago, next the waist with orthopaedic reason lumbago such as muscle fasciitis, lumbar muscle strain though such as easily confused, but the latter more in the department, a belt around the waist pain caused prostatitis is high, can identify position.

  1. Chronic prostatitis symptoms
  2. Symptoms of prostatitis
  3. Prostatitis
  4. Common symptom of chronic prostatitis
  5. Symptoms of acute prostatitis

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