The Link between Human Papilloma Virus and Cervical Cancer

by Symptom Advice on December 22, 2010

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Human Papilloma Viruses or HPVs are very dangerous and are a combined type of more than 100 various kinds of HPVs. They are called papilloma viruses for they are responsible for developing the appearance of genital warts or papillomas which can be classified as either benign or tumors that are non cancerous. but according to health consultants, human papilloma viruses that increase the chance of the appearance of common kinds of warts differ greatly from the warts in the genitals.

Mostly, HPV is seen to attack the human body through sexual intercourse. It’s also been found that HPV plays a very big role in causing the Human Papilloma Virus Cervical Cancer. Around 11,000 women in America were diagnosed with Human Papilloma Virus Cervical Cancer in 2007. And there is an estimated 4,000 of them who will die as a result of the most severe form of the disease. Health care consultants reported that the Human Papilloma Virus will also increase the chances of the incidence of cancer in the areas of the anus, vulva, vagina and penis. this makes HPV a grave concern for women and public health facilities.

The infection brought about by HPV will increase the pace for the occurrence of oropharyngeal cancer which is a cancer of the oropharynx, located in the middle or center area of the throat and soft palate. The virus will certainly bring about the possibility of spreading cervical cancer and women must take necessary procedures to protect themselves from it. A complete check up by a doctor is very essential. Doctors will prescribe the right medication and other forms of treatment to improve the body’s condition. if an immense cell change is present, it puts the infected individual at a high risk and she must choose an effective protection from Human Papilloma Virus Cervical Cancer.

At certain times, cervical cancer is a result of other factors aside from HPV. Some of these are excessive smoking and bearing children in a short period of time. having multiple sexual partners will also contribute to the disease. in order to avoid fear, the right procedure for protecting the body from an HPV attack should be undertaken. it is very risky to delay treatment for sexually transmitted diseases as they may create further complications in the body. if a person suspects a possible infection of STD, a doctor should be consulted and tests be done immediately

Jessica Green is a science and medical reporter for she specializes in communicating the importance of STD knowledge for men and women in all types of sexual relationships.  Click here to find out how to get tested for STD.

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