The most common ways to treat anorexia

by Symptom Advice on December 13, 2010

treat anorexia is a complex problem which includes, in particular physical health back. This is the first step of treatment, and obtained after this step is followed by other treatments.

The part of anorexia treatment especially when eating. anorexic people are trying to follow a healthy diet. their main objective should be to weight gain. When the body is in good condition, it is important to have a mental illness that the patient, he or she must help them believe that looking pretty good, and must try to create self-esteem.

After psychotherapy is an important step in treating anorexia. Therapy is important because it appears that a person fears, worries and inner thoughts help. the therapist with the patient to discuss problems and resolve them.

There are different types of treatment: Therapy to work with the idea that food and cover food based. a key objective is to know exactly what your relationship is to eat, and the therapist will ask you to analyze how you think the food is still on this, keep a food diary. -Another type of treatment will change with rewards and sanctions used to self-starvation. after the doctor’s recommendations will be rewarded with a small price. -Other types of treatment, the patient analysis of social life, feelings, what factors have led to anorexia could, as it is safe, causing low self-esteem, which then anorexia . Group therapy is another method, in which the patient is monitored on a group of people having the same problem to talk together. Sharing thoughts, opinions on the other, feeling the support of others helps anorexics increase their self-esteem and greater confidence.

Although the physical treatment of anorexia, the presence of a physician is important because it is your monitor vital functions, is responsible for the level of hydration, and is also evaluating the impact of anorexia on the body.

Of course, you must get help from a nutritionist also because care plans to provide special meal, the number of calories is included so you can gain weight and healthy condition.

Another thing that must be taken into consideration, self-medication. the drugs should only be initiated if the doctor prescribes them, and you must be alert to the potential they have. the doctor may recommend medications to treat depression and anxiety, anorexia and other medications you may cause to fight against compulsive behavior.

If the problems caused by anorexia nervosa are strong and they seem dangerous to your life, the doctor may decide to start treating anorexia in a hospital or treatment center.

For more information about anorexia or even on pro anorexia please click this link

The treatment of anorexia

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