The symptoms of spinal tuberculosis? Should remember the simplicity of clinical manifestations of spinal tuberculosis

by Symptom Advice on March 7, 2011

Of uncertainty. The patient fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, afternoon fever, night sweats and weight loss and other symptoms of systemic poisoning. Occasional acute exacerbation small temperature around 39 ?, multi misdiagnosis cold or other acute infection. in contrast, no cases of fever and other symptoms mentioned above, only the sense of dull pain or radiating pain affected area is also often misdiagnosed as other diseases.

(b) of the local symptoms

1. pain, dull pain and fever affected area and other systemic symptoms occur more than the same time, in the event, the car shaking, coughing, sneezing increased, after bed rest to reduce; night pain increase, pain along the spinal nerve radiation, the upper cervical spine after radiation to the occipital, radiating to the shoulder or the lower cervical spine arm, thoracic radiation along the first intercostal nerve, lower abdomen, often misdiagnosed as cholecystitis, pancreatitis, appendicitis and so on. 11 ~ 12 lower thoracic nerve along the buttocks radiating to the lower back or buttocks, for X-ray inspection, and more lumbar spine films taken only to the lower thoracic spinal lesions are often missed. lumbar plexus along the waist in front of more radiation to the thighs, legs and even involve the back, often misdiagnosed as intervertebral disc herniation.

2. position paraspinal abnormal result is due to pain caused by muscle spasm. cervical tuberculosis often torticollis, head forward, shortening the neck and jaw in both hands. chest and abdominal posture common in convex thoracolumbar or lumbosacral vertebral structure.

normal people can pick up objects bend, but the illness can not bend the hip flexor knees, one hand on the other hand Qushi knee on the ground of things, call it test positive things picked up.

children can not stretch, may be allowed to prone, lift their feet checked by hand, normal spine naturally curved extension, and children with disease or spinal interbody fixation next to muscle spasm, not the waist extension.

3. cervical and lumbar spinal deformity before the sudden disappearance of attention to whether the physical, physiological after thoracic whether the sudden increase. spinous process and whether the abnormal top-down highlight of each palpable, especially after the sudden angular limitations, this more common in the spine tuberculosis, rickets and youth vertebral epiphysis, ankylosing spondylitis, and poor posture after the conflict and a circular arc into the back is different. kyphosis, limited bending performance as the characteristics of spinal tuberculosis.

4. cold abscess treatment 70% to 80% when spinal tuberculosis with a cold abscess, paravertebral abscess in the spine by deep X-ray CT or MRI can be displayed. abscess gaps or along the muscle fascia neurovascular beam injection to the surface. Central Axis posterior pharyngeal abscess lesions may have caused difficulty in swallowing or breathing disorders; the middle and lower cervical anterior or posterior triangle abscesses occur; thoracic vertebral tuberculosis showed the side of spindle tension or columnar abscess, intercostal nerves and blood vessels along the beam injection to the chest and back, even can penetrate the lungs, chest, rare esophageal perforation and thoracic aorta; thoracic spine, lumbar spine or both sides of the abscess along the side of the iliolumbar fascia or between real nasty note in the retroperitoneal, even penetration of fixed organs such as colon, do not make progress down to the iliac fossa, groin, buttocks or legs; sacral vertebra sacral pus often gathered in front of or The greater sciatic piriformis holes along the greater trochanter to the vicinity of cold abscess flow control means and the injection site appears helpful for diagnosis.

5. sinus cold abscess extended to the body surface, The treatment of self-absorption, or self-formation of sinus rupture. sinus secondary infection, the disease will increase, treatment difficulties, poor prognosis, should be avoided.

6. spinal cord compression symptoms of spinal tuberculosis cervical spine tuberculosis in particular should pay attention to whether the cone over the patient symptoms of spinal cord compression, limb neurological dysfunction for early detection of complications of spinal cord compression.

above is about the introduction of clinical manifestations of spinal tuberculosis in certain normal Note that early detection of spinal tuberculosis treated early most critical.

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