There’s A New Way To Diagnose Chronic Lyme Disease

by Symptom Advice on March 20, 2011

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While some scientists debate the existence of chronic fatigue syndrome, others have found protein markers specific to people suffering from chronic lyme disease symptoms.

One of the problems with diagnosing chronic lyme disease is that the symptoms (fever, fatigue, muscle and head aches) are similar to the symptoms of other diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome. without any way to concretely diagnose the disease, some scientists and medical professionals have denied the existence of chronic fatigue syndrome, creating problems with treatment of lyme disease, medicating lyme disease, and insurance claims.By comparing spinal fluid of people who failed to recover from lyme disease, who have chronic fatigue syndrome, and who were healthy, researchers have been able to identify different protein markers for each disease.

Not only does this confirm the existence of lyme disease (and lead to insight into how it might be different from chronic fatigue syndrome), it gives researchers a good starting point for future research into treatment of chronic lyme disease.

Lyme disease is caused by tick bites. Signs of lyme disease include redness around the center of the tick bite, headaches, fever, and aches/soreness. if you are in an area with ticks, check for tick bites as you won’t feel them.

Do you have experience dealing with chronic lyme disease and doctors/the medical system? Share in the comments!

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