This Can Cure Colds to Cancer « Randolph's World

by Symptom Advice on February 5, 2011

Vitamin C – Cure Colds to Cancer

Vitamin C from citrus was introduced a couple of centuries ago as a cure for scurvy rampant among British mariners. but just what is scurvy? Scurvy is actually defined as a deficiency of vitamin C. Its myriad manifestations appear today. It appears that scurvy was not a particular disease, but a condition that led to other diseases.

The difference today is there are many other new names assigned to diseases that are often related to scurvy. This benefits big Pharma`s bottom line for creating new expensive pharmaceuticals. It`s no surprise that inexpensive Vitamin C`s ability to safely cure maladies from colds to cancer is marginalized by the Medical Mafia.

Some Scurvy Symptoms

Some of the many scurvy symptoms include: Exhaustion, lethargy, sunken eyes, pale complexion, anemia, depression, and weakness. The afflicted person may experience joint and muscle pain, headaches, and nausea as well as fainting or dizziness.

Lung and kidney disease may result from scurvy conditions. Bruising occurs easily, and wounds heal slowly. Internal tissues may bleed as capillaries weaken. Ultimately, jaundice and water retention may occur with decreased urination.

Do any of those symptoms remind you of any other maladies or diseases by a different name? yet IV mega-dose vitamin C therapy starting at 15 grams is rarely utilized for these symptoms.

Vitamin C Therapy

According to orthomolecular physician Ronald Hunninghake, MD, cancer victims are vitamin C deficient. in other words, they have scurvy. he has worked with orthomolecular cancer pioneer Dr. Hugh Riordan, MD, for over two decades. their work has been a continuation of Dr. Linus Pauling`s insights into vitamin C for preventing and curing infectious diseases and cancer.

Success with cancer patients using Dr. Riordan`s protocol is not widely publicized. These and other orthomolecular physicians, who rely solely on vitamin and mineral supplementation for curing patients, want to avoid the flack from the medical establishment that exploded around Linus Pauling`s vitamin C revelations years ago.

Besides claiming that vitamin C could cure cancer, Linus Pauling also ruffled the cancer industry`s feathers when he publicly proclaimed that “the war on cancer is largely a fraud”. as the saying goes, you don`t draw flack until you`re over the target!

So perhaps Dr. Hunninghake is a bit guarded when he says mega-dosing vitamin C is a great adjunct for other cancer therapies. Cancer has been cured with mostly IV mega-dose vitamin C therapy during recent decades. instead, Hunninghake cites the fact that cancer patients are relieved of their scurvy from IV mega-dose vitamin C, thus allowing them to feel better and endure the side effects of conventional cancer protocols.

Despite Hunninhake`s protective diplomacy, Dr. Riordon has demonstrated that Vitamin C in large doses is selectively cytotoxic to cancer cells. When the dosage is high enough, vitamin C shifts from anti-oxidant to oxidant. normally anaerobic cancer cells perish when exposed to oxygen.

Though largely ignored by mainstream medicine`s blind allegiance to big Pharma, Vitamin C mega-dosing has proven extremely effective against many infectious diseases. Pathogens are also anaerobic.

Occasional Confirmations from Mainstream Medicine

Perhaps mainstream medicine is beginning to catch on. Dr. Karel Tyml and his colleagues at The University of Western Ontario have discovered that vitamin C can reverse sepsis, a potentially fatal disease with symptoms resembling – scurvy!

Dogs normally produce their own vitamin C. however, our canine companions don’t have enough C to control distemper, which is considered incurable. but mega-dose C has cured distemper and kept dogs from dying or being euthanized.

Article sources for more information:

VIDEO: Mercola interview of Dr. Dr. Hunninhake on high dose vitamin C orthomolecular…


Vitamin C: Potential Life Saving Treatment for…

The NZ Allan Smith Recovery…

Quack Watch viewpoint on Pauling and vitamin C (The dark side of Linus Pauling)…

Linus Paul Bio…

Vitamin C and The Law by Dr. Thomas…

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