Thyroid Dysfunctions Therapy

by Symptom Advice on April 3, 2011

Today endocrinologists are discussing the best methods of treatment in hypo-and hyperthyroidism, according to the specific needs of hormone replacement. Most physicians base their indications on the use of levo-thyroxine is actually the thyroid hormone T4 which gradually will release T4 and T3 both substances. the oldest form of administration of triiodothyronine stronger, but shorter-acting (T3) is slowly being replaced by more biological T4.

A new branch of modern medicine, alternative medicine does not believe in the beneficial effects of hormone use is only T4. Human thyroid gland is known to secrete three different types of hormones, T3, T4 and DIT called diiodothyrosine. it has been demonstrated clinically that patients who suffer from hypothyroidism, with symptoms that show a low improvement after the treatment with T4, have shown a significant change in thyroid extracts well when added to medication.

In a recent study in rats thyroidectomised have approved the final date ideas in alternative medicine specialists. Rats treated with T4 alone showed normal levels of T4 in the tissues and plasma, but lower levels of T3 in the tissue itself, while the amount of TSH thyroid stimulating hormone remained elevated. after these findings the scientists decided to administer 0.9 mcg of T4 and T3 0.15 mcg per day and per 100 g of body weight. the findings were beneficial as both T3 and T4 levels returned to normal and the TSH level.

This study has not investigated the role of DIT hormone in thyroid function and the need for administration on thyroid dysfunction is still unknown. DIT role has however been found in the treatment of fibrocystic breast disease and the treatment of thyreotoxicosis.

The study presented has been able to feel their goals to show that nature can be mimicked by administration of hormones such as assembly secreted by the gland under normal circumstances. the body’s own glandular function can be replaced artificially supplementing the main idea is actually that we imitate nature, but can not improve it and make it more perfect than it already is.

The most interesting studies are finding the best method of administration of replacement hormones. T3 is usually more rapid oral absorption and a combination of T3 and T4, as temporary Euthroid has raised the level of T3 leads to stress to the nervous system. First conclusion is that exact same thyroid hormones given orally can not produce the same effect as secreted by the thyroid gland and released into the bloodstream.

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