Thyroid gland releases T3, T4 hormones

by Symptom Advice on March 28, 2011

Thyroid gland releases T3, T4 hormones | Insufficient T3, T4 hormones lead to hypothyroidism

Thyroid gland is situated near the throat in butterfly shape and works under pituitary gland.  it releases T3, T4 hormones and there are two types of problems depending upon the amount of hormones released.  it is identified that if the hormone release is lesser, it called hypothyroidism and when higher it is called hyperthyroidism.  the body system works well if it is normal.

  • These hormones increase the basal metabolic rate, producing the proteins, fat, carbohydrates metabolism, blood circulation to heart, and other organs, balancing of body, growth etc.  these hormones will affect the growth of heart and brain in children.

Thyroid gland is important in growth of bones and calcium metabolism.

  • Thyroid problems are more in women compared to men.  Worldwide, 1.5 percent men are suffering with the functional problems of thyroid, whereas 75 percent of women are suffering.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Hunger will be there but there will be weight loss. the symptoms like anger, tiredness, nervous speed, shivering of hands and legs, unable to sustain heat, weakness, irritation, loose motions will be seen.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism

The Symptoms like weakness, laziness, feeling cold, even though it is hot, increase in weight, depression, swelling of face, hair loss, dry skin, constipation, and sore throat are seen. the reason for this problem is that there are some antibodies developed in body and do not allow the gland to work.

Diagnosing Thyroid problems

The test of T3, T4 hormone count, thyroid antibodies, thyroid scanning, and ultrasound will be helpful to know the reason for Thyroid problems.

Treatment for Hypothyroidism

In homoeo treatment, the root cause will be studied for thyroid problem and also the patient’s physical, psychological symptoms are analyzed to advise the medicine. Generally Anti-thyroxin, Thyro-Norma, Thyroxin sodium, Eltroxin, Roxin, medicines will give good results.

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