Tips For Recognizing Kidney Stone Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on March 31, 2011

Recognizing the symptoms of kidney stones is important, as you want to know about this problem as soon as possible so you can start treating it. People who have dealt with this problem before are usually familiar with the symptoms, but in some cases they can be hard to detect. This article will explore some of the more common symptoms of kidney stones, and all of these should be taken seriously.

Nausea and vomiting are one of the most common symptoms of kidney stones. Even if you experience these symptoms you could be suffering from some other condition with the same symptoms. however, if you also have pains in the lower back, abdominal area or groin, nausea or vomiting can be an indication of kidney stones. Symptoms of nausea can be treated with over the counter remedies, or natural ones such as ginger, but it’s essential to treat the kidney stone itself as well. if you are experiencing these symptoms you need to verify that it is kidney stones before you try to treat them since these stones can grow and cause even more serious conditions if not properly treated.

Don’t think that simply treating the symptoms is going to resolve your kidney stones, they are two different issues. if you have severe pains of any kind, you should seek medical help as soon as possible, though you can take aspirin or other pain medications to make you more comfortable.

Your doctor may recommend a course of treatment based on the severity of the symptoms but it’s also important to eat well and stay hydrated. although many symptoms are easily controlled with over the counter pain relievers your physician may recommend a prescription pain medication for the more severe symptoms.

There are many clues you can use to determine if your symptoms are kidney stones or some other condition since the symptoms often mimic other possibilities. if you have kidney stone symptoms you will notice that no matter what position your body is in no relief is present. This of course is not true for some other conditions like muscle spasms in the same regions of the body. This pain, if caused by kidney stones, can come in waves and is referred to by the medical society as renal colic. while these are some of the telltale signs of the type of pain kidney stones often cause, you may have to get medical tests to find out for sure if you have them.

For many, kidney stones are troublesome, you can experience many different symptoms that mimic other conditions in either case it’s important to seek medical attention. In conclusion, seek medical help for symptoms that seem to be severe and for those less severe consider diet changes and other natural remedies to help keep your kidneys healthy. if you are experiencing any of the symptoms above or are susceptible to kidney stones you should consider this information and seek medical attention to be sure.

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