TMJ lockjaw, TMJ lock jaw, TMJ jaw surgery

by Symptom Advice on March 11, 2011

It is easy to detect TemporoMandibular Joint Disorder or TMJ symptoms by diagnosing signs like an extreme tightness found in the jaw muscles.

Generally, Lockjaw is considered as an early symptom of tetanus. On the other hand, TMJ Lockjaw is a condition wherein the jaw muscles fail to function as they should. In other words, the affected person is unable to close the jaw since it “locks” in a peculiar position.

Once you begin to feel the pain associated with TMJ Lockjaw, you need to be careful since it is likely to occur more frequently. due to this, the affected person could feel the following symptoms:

  1. Extremely tight facial muscles, especially in the jaw region

  2. These muscles make the jaw to get locked in a peculiar position in such a way that the person is not able to either close or even move the jaw for quite some time.

  3. Pain and tightness of the jaw.

  4. The entire jaw structure is disturbed.

  5. Strange noise heard in the nose area like clicking or popping noise

Apart from these symptoms, there are other signs that you need to be wary of while analysing the Symptoms associated with TMJ Lockjaw. they are:

  1. TMJ ear pain-this results in inflammation in the entire jaw region.

  2. Clicking jaw-the tendons and the muscles in the jaw area get affected badly.

  3. Spasms and stiffness of the jaw

  4. Severe or mild toothache even though there are no cavities found

  5. TMJ migraine-sometimes, TMJ triggers migraine headaches that can be one-sided too.

  6. Grinding of teeth-during teeth clenching and teeth grinding, there is more pressure exerted over the jaw muscle as such and hence there is more chance for the wear-and-tear of the TMJ itself.

  7. Dizziness-there are many signs such as nausea, faintness or light headedness that are associated with TMJ and dizziness.

  8. TMJ jaw and neck pain-mostly, the pain in the neck and jaw region is found to be localized and often result in difficulty in jaw movement and tenderness found in and around the jaw.

Even though the terms tetanus and lockjaw are used interchangeably, there is a slight difference between the two in that lockjaw is mostly preceded by tetanus. In other words, once the Clostridium tetani bacteria enter the body through wounds, they slowly lead to symptoms like lockjaw.

Moreover, lockjaw can denote other kinds of illnesses apart from tetanus. For example, if there is any kind of injury caused to the jaw, then the whole jaw structure is badly affected, say in the case of TMJ Lockjaw.

Treatment options available for TMJ Lockjaw:

  1. TMJ exercises-by practicing in a simple manner and learning how to move your jaw muscles correctly. you can apply icing on the outer side of the jaw line to suppress pain or inflammation.

  2. Visit to a dentist-you can gain relief by approaching a dentist who uses a mild decompression equipment to help you relax the jaw muscles. Night guards help to prevent damage to the TMJ joints due to grinding of teeth. only in the severe cases do they go in for a surgery.

  3. Consulting a chiropractor-you can seek timely help from a chiropractor if you are suffering from TMJ Lockjaw due to a bad bite or an accident. Chiropractic re-alignment helps you to correct the locked jaw and get it back to shape.

All said and done, it is always better to be well-aware of the symptoms associated with TMJ Lockjaw so that you can find ways to avoid the pain and discomfort that it causes well ahead, quite easily.

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