Treat Asthma With Homoeopathy

by Symptom Advice on May 9, 2011

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease caused by inflammation of the airways causes episodes of breathlessness, cough and breathing difficulties. Asthma usually develops in childhood and adulthood often continue, even if repeated events dog cool to develop asthma in later years. a personal or family history of allergy is often found in people with asthma.

Cause: an unusual sensitivity to certain triggers cause swelling of the muscles surrounding the airways. This inflammation causes a narrowing of the airways Malthus a reduced airflow. Cells causes irritated mucus production is increased further clogging already narrowing of the airways. This leads to respiratory problems.

The common triggers of asthma are:

• Mites• Cockroaches• low temperatures• Foods such as peanuts, eggs, shellfish• Pollen• s respiratory infections such as colds• Stress (emotional / physical)• Steam• fur / scales

The most common symptoms are cough and shortness of breath. other symptoms include shortness of breath, tightness in chest, shortness of breath, sweating, agitation, fast typing, etc. the severity of attacks varies from person to person. it may take a few minutes or take May for a few hours or days of events. during the attack the person rather than sitting to facilitate the flow of air. Confusion, lethargy and skin color are blue signs that the person does not receive enough oxygen and emergency treatment is necessary. With proper treatment is usually the person back to full strength.

• Avoid substances trigger asthma symptoms.• Eat healthy and nutritious• Conduct regular exercises of light• Breathing exercises help increase lung capacity.• Yoga, meditation helps relieve stress.

Homeopathic treatment:

An asthmatic patient dog lead a normal life very well the use of homeopathic medicines. these medications help the vitality of the patient, the person who triggers the shelter on the fact that the increase in precipitation Become an asthma attack. Armed with a better immunity, the dog of the patient on several occasions to the disease can be cured boring.

Homeopathy focuses on addressing the causes of the disease and not just the symptoms of the disease. If drugs from natural sources and have done when administered homeopathic medical certificates are generally not harmful.

If the drug is attractive and easy to use and ideal for all ages. Kids love them, homeopathic pills so sweet. This makes the task of administering medicines easier for parents.

Some homeopathic remedies are consulted ars-alb, ipecac, sulfur, cake ants Ignatia, Spongia,, Hepar Sulfur-, Lachesis, Pulsatilla and tuberculin.

  1. How to Deal With Asthma Attacks the Right Way
  2. Discovering Asthma – What causes an Asthma Attack?

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