Tylenol & Liver Problems

by Symptom Advice on March 14, 2011

Summary: Does Tylenol cause liver problems? the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) says the answer is yes! according to the FDA, it has forced Tylenol to warn consumers of Tylenol’s risk of liver injury. the FDA says Tylenol is generally safe when used according to the directions on its labeling. However, taking more than the recommended amount can cause liver damage, acute liver failure, and even death.

Why is Tylenol dangerous? Acetaminophen is the generic name of a drug found in many common brand name such as Tylenol, as well as prescription products such as Vicodin and Percocet. the FDA says Acetaminophen is an important drug because it is very effective; however, taking too much can be extremely dangerous! below is some important from the FDA. Remember, if you have taken Tylenol & experienced liver problems— call my office today at 702-240-0000.   

FAQ from the FDA:

Q: Are there risks from taking too much acetaminophen?

A: Yes, acetaminophen can cause serious liver damage if you take too much. it is very important to follow your doctor’s directions and the directions on the medicine label.

You may not notice the signs and symptoms of liver damage right away because they take time to appear. Or, you may mistake early symptoms of liver damage (for example, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting) for something else, like the flu. Liver damage can develop into liver failure or death over several days.

Acetaminophen is generally safe when taken as directed. To lower your risk of liver damage make sure you do the following:

  • Follow dosing directions and never take more than directed; even a small amount more than directed can cause liver damage.
  • Don’t take acetaminophen for more days than directed.
  • Don’t take more than one medicine that contains acetaminophen at a time. For example, your risk of liver damage goes up if you take a medicine that contains acetaminophen to treat a headache, and while that medicine is still working in your body, you take another medicine that contains acetaminophen to treat a cold.

Q: How can I safely take acetaminophen?

A: Follow this advice to take acetaminophen safely:

  • Read all the information given to you by your doctor and follow directions.
  • Read the information on the OTC “Drug Facts” label or on the prescription label and follow directions.
  • Be sure you understand the following:- the dose, which is how much acetaminophen you can take at one time- how many hours you must wait before taking another dose of acetaminophen- how many doses of acetaminophen you can take safely each day- when to stop taking acetaminophen and ask a doctor for help
  • Never take more than directed, even if your pain or fever isn’t any better. taking more acetaminophen than directed can put you at risk for liver damage.
  • Never take more than one medicine that contains acetaminophen. Check the active ingredients of all your medicines to make sure you are taking no more than one medicine containing acetaminophen at a time.

Q: What should I do if the pain or fever doesn’t get better after taking acetaminophen as directed?

A: take the medicine only as directed. Don’t take more. if the medicine doesn’t help you feel better, talk to your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.

Find more at: fda.gov/forconsumers/consumerupdates/ucm168830.htm

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