Types Of Fibroid Tumours Of Uterus And Its Treatment

by Symptom Advice on December 13, 2010

Uterine fibroids are benign tumours of uterus. Fibroid tumour of uterus is a disease condition every woman should be aware of. it is a very common condition. Read more to find out the types of fibroid tumours and its medical treatment.

There are 4 types of uterine fibroids. they are interstistial or intramural, submucous, subserous and pedunculated fibroid tumours. The tumour which grows symmetrically and remains within the wall of uterus is called as interstitial fibroid. The tumour which grows outwards and forms a growth on the outer wall of the uterus is called subserous fibroid.

Some tumours have a peduncle through which they are attached to the wall of uterus. such fibroids are called as pedunculated fibroids. those which grow from the submucous layer of the wall of uterus are called submucous fibroids. Different types of fibroids give rise to different complications. Subserous and pedunculated fibroids may undergo rotation at their site and can cause complication like torsion of fibroid which results in severe abdominal pain.

Infection is common in submucous fibroid. Recurrent abortions are caused mainly due to submucous fibroids.  Symptoms also vary according to the type of uterine fibroid. Progressive menorrhagia (heavy menstrual flow) is seen in interstitial and submucous fibroids. Most women complain of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Congestive and spasmodic dysmenorrhoea is also an important symptom of fibroid uterus.

The woman affected becomes anaemic due to heavy flow of menses. An abdominal lump can be noted in a woman with large fibroid. it can be easily detected on physical bimanual examination. Visit a gynaecologist if you have the above symptoms. Small fibroids do not show any symptoms and often do not require treatment. one needs to keep a check if they are growing.

Hormonal tablets like mifepristone 50 mg causes amenorrhoea and helps in shrinkage of tumour. Other medicines such as danazol are used for the same. All these medicines are hormones and have side effects. so they need to be taken only under the advice of a gynaecologist. Iron tablets are used for anaemia and hormonal tablets are also given to control heavy menstrual flow.

Surgery is required in cases where the fibroid does not respond to medical management or if there is large fibroid tumour. so do not neglect this gynaecological disease condition.

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