Types Of Hepatitis – Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

by Symptom Advice on March 17, 2011

Hepatitis is a type of viral infections that causes inflammation of the liver because of the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of liver. Hepatitis may heal of it own or it can lead to Fibrosis and Cirrhosis. A group of viruses together known to be Hepatitis Virus along with other infections cause the disease. however due to other various toxins like alcohol and other medications, hepatitis disease can affect a person.

Hepatitis can be acute and chronic. Acute Hepatitis last for 2-6 weeks and generally affects to younger people. The symptoms that would likely to be felt are malaise, muscle and joint aches with high fever, nausea and diarrhoea. if the disease continues then other symptoms like loss of appetite, dark urine, yellow eyes and even jaundice can happen. Hepatitis also can lead to acute liver failure which leads to hepatic encephalopathy and the only cure is a liver transplant.

However, chronic hepatitis leads to symptoms like tiredness and weakness. this can be understood from the blood test report. Extensive damage of liver leads to several dysfunction of the body like weight loss, swelling of the legs and accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

The common symptoms are:

  • Mild fever with joint aches
  • Acute nausea and vomiting with eventually loss of appetite
  • Diarrhoea
  • Jaundice
  • Dark urine
  • Headache and
  • Enlarged spleen accompanied by itching.

The most common type of Hepatitis diseases are:

1.      Hepatitis A: Affects to children and one of the most common disease. The virus spreads through direct face to face directly and contamination from foods, cooking utensils, raw shellfish and from drinking water.

2.      Hepatitis B: it is the most serious form of hepatitis. it spread through sexual contact, blood transfusion or through the blood of infected person blood via cuts and needle sharing. it is considered to be a Sexual Transmitted Disease.

3.      Hepatitis C: It is considered to be a chronic disease and is transmitted by blood contact (contaminated needles and blood transfusion).

4.      Hepatitis D: It can both be acute and chronic. it is found in those people who are carriers of the Hepatitis B virus.

5.      Hepatitis E: is commonly found in the Indian Ocean area. There are two types of non-viral hepatitis called alcoholic hepatitis and toxic/drug induced hepatitis.

The doctor goes through a through medical history and his daily habits like medications and consumptions of alcohol, surgeries and sexual activities. Several tests are done like blood tests and liver panel tests. There are certain other tests like ELISA II, RIBA Ii and RNA test are done. if needed, doctors do a liver biopsy for further testing.

Medicines are available in the markets however self consciousness is needed to solve the problem of hepatitis.

The following can be done to protect oneself from the disease:

1.      Indulge in safe sex

2.      Sharing of needles, razors, toothbrush to be stopped

3.      Limiting of alcohol intake

4.      Wash hands well after using any washroom

5.      Eating of fresh cooked foods

Drink only commercially bottled water or boiled water

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