Understanding Dyslexia in Children: Signs and Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on February 25, 2011

What is dyslexia in children?

The term dyslexia is used to describe a syndrome or set of specific causes, which manifests as a difficulty for the distinction and memorization of letters or groups of letters, lack of order and rhythm in the placement, poor sentence structure, etc.; which is evident in both reading and writing.

What causes dyslexia?

Dyslexia in children is the effect of multiple causes, which can be divided between two poles. on the one hand the neurophysiological factors, by a slower maturation of the nervous system and other unresolved conflicts, caused by the pressures and stresses of the environment in which the child develops.

We understand the difficulties such as dyslexia in children to learning read and write even though the subject is subjected to a formal education, have an adequate level of intellectual and cultural opportunities are correct.

Dyslexia in childrenThe child with dyslexia has great difficulty in reading and writing can be seen on:- Read slow, laborious and fraught with errors.- Poor spelling.- Unions or incorrect separation of words.

It also presents difficulties in the automation of learning and memory (learning something and soon forget it.) in addition to successfully costing activities where you need to apply various skills (e.g., an essay in which he has to pay attention to spelling, punctuation, organization of ideas …).

Dyslexia in children is not expressed in the same way or with the same intensity in every child. therefore, the recovery will be determined by the characteristics of each person and family and school environment that pertinence. it is clear that the basis for a successful recovery is early detection, before the child is living the failure experience.

The child with dyslexia can learn to read, but will do differently, with a different method and a special treatment, giving strategies and techniques to cope with their difficulties in reading and writing, teaching different skills help you to understand and memorizing texts. Parents should know about dyslexia in children and they must place in the hands of a professional who can guide them in the best way to help their child.

Dyslexia in children would be the manifestation of a number of disorders that can sometimes occur in a comprehensive manner, but more often some of them appear in isolation. these are symptoms of dyslexia in children::

Mal lateralization: Laterality is the process by which the child develops a preference or dominance of one side of his body on the other. We refer to the hands and feet. If the prevalence is on the right side is an individual right, if left side is called left-handed, and if you have not gotten a lateral domain in some of the sides, is called ambidextrous.

In general, laterality is not established before 5 or 6, although some children already show a predominance side from a very young age.

Children with some alteration in the evolution of handedness, associated disorders often lead organization in the vision of space and language that come to constitute the core of the dyslexia problem.

The largest number of dyslexic case occur in children who do not have a defined lateral dominance, laterality influences on the motor, so that a child with a poorly defined lateral often clumsy when performing manual and graphic strokes often uncoordinated.

Psychomotor alterations: it is very common for dyslexic children, with or without lateral problems, have undergone any change in their motor skills (relationship between motor function and psychological). This is psycho-motor immaturity, i.e., general clumsiness of movement. The anomalies do not occur in isolation of dyslexia in children, but accompany other specific disorders such as:

o Lack of rhythm: That is evident both in the performance of movements as in speech, with pauses misplaced that become apparent in reading and writing.o Lack of balance: often have difficulty maintaining static and dynamic balance. for example, it takes a stand on one foot, jumping, cycling, go on line, etc.or deficient knowledge of the body scheme. Closely tied to the determination of laterality and motor skills is the knowledge of the body scheme and especially the right-left distinction, referring to the body. thus the right child (usually type, eat, etc. with the right hand) and lefty (writing, eating … to the left) have their right hand and left, respectively, as key reference points on which to base their spatial orientation. The bad boy lateralized, by having a poor body image, lack of accurate reference points for proper guidance. The body places the subject in space and from the body as are all set benchmarks by which all activity is organized.

Perceptual Disorders: All spatial perception is founded on the fundamental structure of body awareness. Objects are placed taking into the position, the space on one street is really no right or left, depending on the position where it is located the person.

Also the concept that has top-down, front-back, referred to himself, he projected in his knowledge of the spatial relationships in general.

Similarly, in reading and writing, the child must be based on its coordinates top-down, right-left, front-back, and put them in the paper, the direction and shape of each sign represented. The child who can not see it up-down will be difficult to differentiate the letters.

These tips on how to recognize sign of dyslexia in children merely indicate the possibility of dyslexia:

Inattention. due to the intellectual effort they have to do to overcome their specific perceptual difficulties, they often have a high degree of fatigue. for this reason the learning of reading and writing will become dry, uninteresting, not finding in them no appeal claiming his attention.

Disinterest in the study. The lack of attention, coupled with a family environment and school unstimulating, it was uninterested make homework. thus, their performance and grades are low.

Personal maladjustment. Dyslexic children are not geared well in space and time, is without points of reference or support, thus introducing uncertainty and lack of stability in their reactions. as compensation mechanism is excessive self-confidence and even vanity that leads him to defend his extreme views.

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