unintentional weight loss symptoms Should i be nervous if i'm loosing weight and my appetite

by Symptom Advice on May 2, 2011

;:videos (up to 1992 or so) with the extended intro:;I'm 14 years old and 5' 3" and 113 pounds

I use to have a crazy appetite where i would just eat and eat and eat. I'm not talking about one of those appetites that some people think is really big but more of a mild football player appetite.

I got really into the dieting thing so i wouldn't really let my appetite take Control of me very often so then it kind of died down.

I also play lacrosse and decided that i should bulk up and let me appetite take Control but then like the day I decided i was going to start eating more I lost my appetite and now i'm loosing weight.

Today I forced down a cup of oatmeal with 18 grams of whey protein.

Then for Lunch I wasn't hungry at all but i forced myself to eat an ultimate cheeseburger (1010 calories). I then ate a fiber one bar (it's like an oatmeal bar) with milk when i got home and hopped on the scale again only to find that i'd yet again lost more weight (it'd been going on for a 2-3 days by now). Then just a little while ago i decided that i should try to eat some more so i ate 4-5 beagle bites (i know it's small) and then a half of a PBJ.

I don't know if i should be worried that i just can't gain weight even though i'm eating when i'm already stuffed. I've been Reading into collin cancer but i really doubt i have it even though i have 2 of the symptoms. 1) feeling bloated all the time 2) unintentional weight lossI wouldn't worry to much. Somedays I do not feel hungry at all and other days I can literally empty the food cupboard in one evening. if your weight is dropping though it may be worth speaking to a doctor or a nutritionist.you should probably talk to your doctoralthough you shouldn't worry too much, you might want to talk to your doctor if things pursue and you don't like it. it is odd that you are loosing your appetite and loosing weight. maybe you are sick in some way, but don't worry because it might make it worse. ask your mom or someone close to you, and see a doctor, as i said, if things pursue or get worse. hope it helps.;:ican rejectshttp:wwwyoutubecomwatch?v=l06M-dsQf…A:; unintentional weight loss symptoms

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