Untreated Strep Throat

by Symptom Advice on December 27, 2010

Untreated strep throat can cause complications. it is very important to start strep throat treatment in time. We will say something more about this condition, its treatment and complications it can cause if left untreated.

Strep throat infection is caused by bacteria known as streptococcus. this infection usually lasts for several days, and it is treated with antibiotics and home remedies that can be very helpful in shortening the contagious phase. however, if untreated, this infection can result in further complications. Strep throat symptoms can worsen if you do not start your treatment in time or if you do not take your therapy.

What are the Complications of Untreated Strep Throat?

Untreated strep throat can lead to problems like swallowing difficulties, very high fever, severe skin rash, nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, lymph nodes swelling and white patches inside the throat.

These symptoms can be very severe. however, there can be even more serious problems like scarlet fever than can still be treated without major problems, and rheumatic fever, which is a serious condition and can sometimes lead to serious heart issues and pain in joints.

Throat infection can easily spread onto other parts of the body, like ears, which can further result in another infection – ear infection.

Immunity problems are also possible. Bacteria spreading can often result in weak immune system.

Another important thing is that your contagious phase will last much longer if you do not treat this infection in time.

Retention of fluid can also occur as one of the strep throat complications. this happens because of the lymph nodes problems. Fluid retention is manifested through legs or hands swelling, but can occur in other parts of the body, too.

Problems with tonsils can also occur, so as sinusitis, caused by excessive mucus stored inside the sacs of one’s sinuses.

Those were some of the symptoms of untreated strep throat infection. you can experience just one or two symptoms, or you can experience more of them. however, you should react in time and visit your doctor. Leaving strep throat untreated can result in serious health problems. it is not only dangerous to your own health, but to others around you as well. Remember that improper treatment can make you extremely contagious to others.

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