Very early signs of pregnancy symptoms you should know

by Symptom Advice on April 8, 2011

very Early signs of pregnancy symptoms you should know

There are signs and symptoms early will give you a hint you might be pregnant. the first of these very early signs of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period, but not all women are different, which means that the signs are not the same. they may differ in intensity and duration and the same woman can have different signs with each pregnancy. You can give your overall feeling of not being well pre-menstrual symptoms and not even realize that you are pregnant until you have missed your menstrual cycle. There are a variety of both physical and emotional symptoms related to pregnancy could also be a symptom of other events in your life.

the most obvious signs of early pregnancy is the missed period. however, among women who do not have a regular menstrual period, this may not be a sign for them and only when they miss several periods and discomfort that realize they may be pregnant. it is quite possible to have a very light and then you do not even know you could be pregnant at all.

if you tried to get pregnant, you compare all possible signs. many women have an intuitive feeling about it and know when they are pregnant because they know the feelings of their bodies. some very early signs of stomach after eating certain foods or after eating late at night, feeling tired than usual, having a headache or suffer a dull ache or stiffness in lower back.

Generally your breasts begin to feel tender and you may notice they are a little broader. it is generally more sensitive at night when you go to bed and try to get comfortable. the nipples may also become darker in color and exceptionally painful or sensitive? so you have to wear different clothes that rub through them.

Fatigue and exhaustion is one of the earliest signs that you may be pregnant. You may find it increasingly difficult to get up every morning to work or be more tired than usual when you get home from work or shopping. You will probably start to feel sleepy in the afternoon and want to take a nap. if this is really unusual for you, then you start thinking there might be something wrong. Combined with the need for rest, you will also have to make frequent trips to the bathroom. This is because the uterus gets bigger and puts pressure on the bladder. Although this is an early sign of pregnancy, it lasts for the duration of pregnancy and even worsen.

In the second month of your pregnancy, you should probably start to feel nauseous when you wake in the morning. the smell of cooking certain foods can make you sick and you may not want to eat some of your favorite foods any more. This is called morning sickness, but can occur at any time during the day. for many women, it only lasts a short time, but others did until the third quarter, and even until the baby is born.

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