Weight Gain After Menopause – Discover the Cause of Weight Gain During and After Menopause

by Symptom Advice on February 13, 2011


By: Michael Mensa

As women reach their late thirties and earl y forties, many start to notice that they begin to gain weight, particularly around the abdomen, which is difficult to shift. Weight gain is one of the many common symptoms of menopause and it occurs prior to and after the onset of this stage in a woman’s life. In this article we take a closer look at weight gain after menopause.

The main reason why many women gain weight during menopause is because their hormone levels begin to drop rapidly. to be precise estrogen is the primary hormone involved in the changes that occur. the purpose of estrogen is to bring about and regulate monthly ovulation in women, but when a woman undergoes menopause the levels of this hormone declines. When the body has no estrogen it will eventually stop ovulating.

The reason why lack of estrogen causes weight gain in menopausal women is because the body starts to look for another source of estrogen. so it turns it’s attention to the fat cells as these can also produce estrogen, as a result the body puts more effort into changing calories from food into fat, because estrogen is in high demand.

Many women find that gaining weight around the waist is often the first symptom of menopause that they will experience.

There is also another hormone that plays a part in the increase of weight around the waist… testosterone. Most people associate this hormone with males however females also have this, its purpose is to create lean muscle from the calories consumed when eating food. the higher the levels of testosterone, the faster the metabolism, which means less fat. the problem for menopausal women is the fact that the levels of this hormone drop during this stage, resulting in a slow metabolism and an increase in body fat.

One of the ways a woman can fight against weight gain after menopause is by committing to an exercise program. Exercise is a proven and low cost way to keep the extra fat away from the waist. furthermore it has many other positive effects such as strengthening the cardiovascular system and aiding mental well being.

The onset of menopause can be a very worrying process for women who are approaching this age. But if you are in this boat the best thing you can do is get the facts and educate yourself in regards to this process. This will make it easier to cope with. Once you start going through menopause you will notice that making simple lifestyle changes for example eating healthily, quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol and getting regular exercise etc, can do wonders for reducing the symptoms of menopause including weight gain. Menopausal women should also remember that in this day and age there are numerous different types of treatment available, and due to our understanding it is easier to cope with menopause then it has ever been before.

For more information on menopause head over to menopausefactsonline.com, where you can also find out about menopause and weight gain and early menopause symptoms

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