What are common symptoms of cervical cancer and how quickly can it spread?

by Symptom Advice on November 25, 2010

I know sexual discomfort can be a symptom, but what exactly does that mean? what kind of discomfort?

Sexual discomfort means that you experience painful sex. You should have a Pap smear and talk to a gynecologist about the symptoms of cervical cancer and also other vaginal illnesses.

Cervical cancer is a serious med. problem. The patient will present with a growth and invades the surrounding tissue. In most cases the growth causes ulcerations, which breaks down the epithelial and deeper tissue. as the tumor grows, the ulcer enlarges and grows away from its original site leaving dead tissue at the site. this is call necrotic tissue and often becomes infected. some of the early signs and symptoms are; Abnormal bleeding, watery discharge of mucous like substance. The bleeding may occur between period or after intercourse. if a secondary infection is present in the cancerous area, the discharge can become thick with an offensive odder. if you present with any of these signs or symptoms see your Dr. at once, a simple physical exam and smear test is in order to rule out any other underlying cause. a biopsy should be done just to be on the safe side. I wish you well and hope your problem is of another nature. GOOD LUCK AND KEEP a HAPPY THOUGHT!
Cervical Cancer can spread quite rapidly from the onset of the first signs and involve other areas.

Cervical cancer on its first stages don't have any symptoms at all that is why it is important to go to gynecologist every 6 months – only tests can show if you have malicious sells. but even if there are but few – everything is changeable with the help of small operation.

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