What are ovarian cyst symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on March 19, 2011

I have had a terrible, crippling pain in my left pelvic area going on 5 hours now. my mom keeps telling me to try different things to dull the pain. I have urinated 6 times in the past 45 minutes and my bladder still feels full. It's beginning to hurt down into my legs even. Should I call the doctors in the morning or just wait it out?

You need to go to the emergency room, ASAP. I had the same exact symptoms back in June of 2006, and it was ovarian cancer. I was only 23!!! my life was saved by early detection, something that doesn't happen often with ovarian cancers. It's called a "silent killer" because there are very few symptoms aside from vague pelvic pain and frequent urination, which are commonly mistaken for urinary tract infections. Please get this checked out IMMEDIATELY, it could be nothing but it could be life or death!

The symptoms i felt were bad pain that came and went and that was about it. you may have a urine infection that would explain the need to pee all the time and that sometimes comes with a pain. if the pain gets really bad it might be a good idea to head to the doctors sooner rather then later, it could be your appendix

It could be a kidney stone or kidney infection, but be watchful. Appendicitis can cause the left lower section of your abdomen to hurt even though it is on your right side. If you begin to have a fever, then go to the emergency room. good Luck!!

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