What are some easy to spot symptoms for STDs with girls… PLEASE PLEASE HELP THIS IS IMPORTANT..?

by Symptom Advice on April 11, 2011

please i need to know the symptoms of an STD for girls. that dont include bumps or sores… Do they cause blood after sex?

You are too stupid to be having sex, honestly.
There are many different STIs and they all have different symptoms, retard. we can't just say 'these are the symptoms of all STIs.'
Blood after sex could easily be a matter of your ill-advised partner humping too hard. but I'd recommend you go to a doctor anyway so that you might actually get yourself educated. someone as ignorant as you has no business doing anything that could result in a baby.

Any kind of pus discharge or foul odor could be a symptom of an STD. you really should get checked out because some STD's don't have immediate symptoms. I've never heard of blood after sex but does it hurt during sex? Check with your gynecologist as soon as you can. the sooner you get checked, the better you'll feel.

Most STDs have no symptoms for months or even years after someone gets infected. you can not tell if someone has an STD just by looking at them. the only way to find out if you have an STD is to get tested for STDs.

If shes too easy shes got cheesy

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