What are some herbs, and organic foods that can aid in the relief of outdoor allergy symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on April 21, 2011

Symptoms: Stuffy nose, post nasal drip, sneezing, and itchy and irritated eyes.

My vote for really great question, I will certainly be watching for some good answers!

Here's a good ebook that will help

I was told if you ate honey that is produced in your area it will inhibit outdoor allergies. the theory is that you are consuming the allergens and desensitizing yourself by doing that.

can't believe I stumbled upon this question…I've got the perfect answer for you…and it's not something stupid like staying inside…
take one part red wine vinegar to three parts honey…mix well and leave next to bed (room temp)…each night before going to bed take two tablespoons (no you won't taste the vinegar)…keep doing this…after a short while…you will find that this little cure all does work…I should know…I've been doing it for years…and it does work…

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