What are some of the gonorrhea symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on March 27, 2011


Symptoms of Gonorrhea in some cases may be asymptomatic, when symptoms do appear, they are often mild and usually appear within 2-10 days after exposure. The symptoms include discharge from the penis, vagina, or rectum and burning or itching during urination. in women, gonorrhea can cause menstrual irregularities.

Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacterium Neisseria Gonorrhoeae. This bacterium develops and increases easily especially on warm and moist areas within the reproductive system including the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes in women, and urethra. it can even nurture within the mouth, eyes, throat and anus. And all of us are definitely prone with having the disease, most likely with prostitutes, individuals with multiple partners, and people with disagreeable and unprotected sexual practices.

Someone who has a gonorrhoeal infection will not have any symptoms yet until 2-10 days at the least or 4 weeks at the longest after bacterium was transferred. in men, symptoms include painful and somewhat frequent urination and inflammation of testicles and prostrate which may cause pain and fever. but the most common symptom would be the release of a thick, yellowish fluid from the penis. Most of the symptoms for infected women are generally mild and non-specific or it may not show any at all. Women may acquire a pelvic inflammatory disease that eventually leads to infertility. other infected females may feel an irritated cervix, itching vagina accompanied with a yellowish green discharge, frequent urination, and bleeding between menstrual periods. For individuals practicing oral sex, they may complain for a sore throat but it may already be a gonococcal throat infection. And lastly, rectal pain and discharge are gonorrhoeal symptoms on anal intercourse. therefore, for possible gonorrhoeal infection, it is very best for it to be treated before it could be transmitted to another individual, and before it could cause further harm to yourself.

Pregnant women infected with gonorrhoea can also pass the bacteria to the baby through a vaginal childbirth. And as such, the bacteria can cause blindness, blood infection, and joint infection to the offspring. it is, then, best to treat the gonorrhoea as soon as it is detected to decrease the risk of further complications. appropriate treatments are readily available in health care centers and hospitals. normally, simple antibiotics can already cure a patient with gonorrhoeal infection but as gonorrhoea strains become more resistant to drugs, stronger antibiotics are now recommended. Medications should be taken as prescribed based on examinations and laboratory tests.

Being cured and treated from the gonorrhoeal infection doesn’t definitely make you immune from getting infected again. it can still be acquired through sexual contacts whether vaginal, oral, or anal with another infected individual, so proper self-care should be practiced.

And like all other sexually transmitted diseases known, the absolute way to avoid is through abstinence. if not, just be a responsible individual like using a condom on sexual intercourse, or have you tested for possible infections. these practices can avoid transfer of bacteria from one individual to another, thus decreasing the possibility of spread. choose healthy partners and not high-risk ones. Tests can also be recommended for your sexual partners before intercourse. but just to be on the safe side, it would always be advisable for you and your partner to visit a STD testing clinic near you to be sure that both of you are clean when doing it.

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