What are some of the symptoms of cervical cancer?

by Symptom Advice on December 12, 2010

I have a history of cancer in my family and one of the things I'm most worried about is Cervical Cancer. What exactly are the symptoms?

Not all cancers are hereditary.
Cervical cancer is NOT. it is caused, in most cases by the HPV, the only way to make an early diagnose (no symptoms yet), when it can still be cured is with the pap smear.
When it starts to show sypmtoms, it's too late to cure it. Symptoms include post coital bleeding, pelvic pain even renal disfunction.

I've known a few girls who got this.
2. weird discharge
3. bleeding when you aren't on your period
If you think you have this you need to go to your gyno ASAP! This is serious stuff

The early symptoms of cancer of the cervix are an irregular and unatural discharge, which may be blood-tinged, or the appearance of blood after the cessation of the montly periods at the time of the change of life.

Weather these symptoms are present or not, i suggest you go to a doctor and get a cerival scan and cervical cancer vaccination.

good luck


Colon cancer is a leading sickness and one that could cause lifetime altering consequences. as a matter of fact, this variety of cancer is among the most common in the United States. Almost all colon cancer patients suffer from polyps, which is irregular cells that build clusters. Once regular cells begin to transform, a likely problem comes up. while time advances, these growths become larger and could contribute to the development of cancer.

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