What are some STDS, that don't show symptoms? ?

by Symptom Advice on February 5, 2011

Id like to become more educated on STDS are there ones that dont have symptoms, what are they? are they deadly? Please give me sites and all also, thankyou!

listen i know you might not like this answer but i saw that you also asked about the pull out method.

it seems you are way to under educated to be doing these things and you are getting yourself into dangerous terrritory.

there are all kinds of STD info all over the web, go to planned parenthood and at least talk to them or a nearby clinic, they have better info then you will get online, but again you dont seem near ready enough for these things.

just use a condom and you"ll be good don't worry about all that unless you are certain you have an std. but if you do have an std you will notice a burning sensation when you urinate that's for all std's. Hope this helps and use PROTECTION!!!!

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