What are some symptoms of high blood sugar?

by Symptom Advice on December 28, 2010

Diabetes runs in my family, and even though I have been diagnosed with it yet, i still have problems with high or low blood sugar. right now me and my friend just finished eating ALOT of food (we forgot to eat yesterday) and im feeling dizzy, weak, and my heart is pounding really fast. Is this high blood sugar, am I just overly tired or is it something else?

im diabetic and if i eat a chocolate bar i become dizzy and have black outs and need to give myself insulin straight away so ur symptoms sound kinda like u may have diabetes. go to ur gp and have a test because if u do as long as u know soon u can start treating it with injections and it is fine but the best thing to do is find out as soon as possible.

When I get high blood sugar, I have to urinate about every 20-30 minutes, I'm craving foods or I'm contantly hungry and wanting to eat, I'm very tired and lethargic, and sometimes people tell me that I'm really grumpy. My heart does beat really fast if I've had high blood sugars for a long time, but not if I try and fix it right away.
I've been an insulin dependant diabetic for about 5 years now. If it turns out that you do have diabetes, let me know! I would love to talk to someone like me!!
Best Wishes,
Bekah H

I forget to eat a lot of the time, but NEVER make up for yesterday's missed meals by eating double today!

The symptoms you are experiencing are NOT diabetic! they are guilt from eating everything in sight as in vacuuming the fridge and pantry.

read about diabetes at this site. it is very complete, up-to-date and easy to read.

Probably…do you test? If not, you can get blood glucose meters everywhere. Problems with high or or low blood sugar is definitely a sign. If diabetes runs in your family, for heavens sakes, get tested…NOW! There's lots of good information on the web about diabetes…it's nothing to mess with.

People who are diabetic or inclination to diabetes should not eat irregular meals. they should eat regularly so that the body has sufficient sugar, not eating cause the sugar level to drop and thus the dizzy, weak , shaky feeling.

You must take small meals and more times per day. also there are some food you have to be careful. not just sweet thing. Even rice, cake,some fruits., some type of bread, soda.

Change your diet to healthy one.My mum has diabetes for 33 years, so i live with her for all these days and learn them.

Be careful of taking care of the diabetes trait, it can lead to heart propbelms and kidney problems. So work hard now to avoid future health problems

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