What are some symptoms of uterine infection after pregnancy?

by Symptom Advice on February 11, 2011

I had a sore lower stomach area yesterday and today the pain was so bad it was worse than labor. I gave birth 3 weeks ago, so I know what afterpains feel like and this was not them. I couldn't sit, stand or walk, it was horrible. I figured that the soreness yesterday was because I was slightly "backed up", but when I went this morning the pain intensified, not lessened!!! I went to our local hospital and couldn't be seen. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, but I was just wondering what this terrible pain could be.


Following are the symptoms of UTI.

Frequent urination with only small amounts of urine.

Burning or pain when urinating.

Urine that smells bad or is cloudy or at times contains blood.

Diarrhoea and vomiting.

Lower back pain.

Fever with chills and shivering

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