What are symptoms of anorexia, other than major weight loss?

by Symptom Advice on December 15, 2010

I recently went to the doctor, and she made it very clear that she didn't want me to lose any more weight. I am very strict with my diet, but I'm concerned that I could be overdoing it. lately my stomach has been giving me problems. I'm curious about symptoms of anorexia, that perhaps I am dangerously close and don't realize it. Any insight is appreciated.

their skin and eyes turn yellowish.
you barely eat
and you throw up almost everytime you eat.
also you start to feel horrible.

If you obsessively monitor your diet and exercise habits, you may be anorexic. Another sign is that you concentrate on different ways to lose weight throughout the day, even when you should be concentrating on school or work or whatever else. its basically a mental obsession that controls your life.

The most visible symptom of anorexia nervosa is weight loss, which is often clear to the casual observer. but the body of a person with anorexia changes in many ways:

Weight loss (achieved via restricting food or purging it): a person with anorexia will lose weight because, by definition, she refuses to maintain or achieve a body weight of 85% of the expected weight for her age and height.
Amenorrhea (interruption of the menstrual cycle): Amenorrhea is present if there is an absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles, or if the person needs to take estrogen for her normal cycle to occur.
Bone loss (osteoporosis or osteopenia)
Extra sensitivity to cold
Bloated stomach after eating (since the stomach loses its ability to deal with a normal quantity of food at one sitting)
Lanugo–a fine hair that grows on the skin in response to the body's need for warmth
Yellowed skin (often from getting too much vitamin a as a result of eating only certain foods, like carrots)
Thinning hair

obviously, being able to see a ton of bones is bad.
people who have been anorexic for a long time will start too lose hair, teeth, and gain slight 'feathers' along their back and shoulders.

anorexic body-

skinny but healthy-

curvy but not horrible-

just for comparison.
hope this helps!

same as above person lol and also hiding food and being very secretive about wat and when u eat. excessive exercising especially if u dont normally exercise alot. obsessive about how u look, counting calories etc. obsessive about how other ppl look(i.e. being obsessed w skinny ppl and 'fearing' not so skinny ppl)

i hope that helps :)

i agree with disaster girl, you dont receive your menstrual period anymore… you can clearly see that your anorexic, if you look like skin and bone, no fat or muscle whatsoever… you wont eat at all really.. your like a sparrow… your rib bones and chest bones will stand out…BIG TIME! let alone your knee caps and ankles…if you feel you look like this, you will need to get some help to put weight back on… start eating little snacks during the day, or drinking flavored milks…best of luck.. PS: im a skinny person, and my doc tried telling me i was anorexic, i said NO im not, and she sent me off for blood tests, it came back that i was at a healthy weight for my height…she ended up apologizing of course… just get a second opinion..

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