What are symptoms of bladder infection?

by Symptom Advice on November 24, 2010

What are symptoms of bladder infection?

Need help please.

Bladder infection (cystitis) is the most common infection of the lower urinary tract. Bladder infection is usually caused by bacteria that get into the bladder by traveling up the urethra.

Bladder infections are more common in women than in men.

Symptoms of a bladder infection can range from mild to severe, and may include:

Burning pain with urination (dysuria).
The frequent need to urinate without being able to pass much urine (frequency).
Blood in the urine (hematuria).

If untreated, bladder infections can lead to more serious kidney infections that cause fever and lower back (flank) pain, and may damage the kidneys. Bladder infections are treated with antibiotics.

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) may include:

Pain or burning when you urinate.
An urge to urinate frequently but usually passing only small amounts of urine.
Dribbling (inability to control urine release).
Pain or a feeling of heaviness in your lower abdomen.
Reddish or pinkish urine.
Foul-smelling urine.
Cloudy urine.
Pain in your back just below the rib cage, on one side of your body (flank pain).
Fever and chills.
Nausea and vomiting.
Some people have bacteria in their urinary tract without having any symptoms. this condition is called asymptomatic bacteriuria. It requires attention in certain situations, such as during pregnancy or before surgery involving the urinary tract, but it usually can be left alone if symptoms do not develop.

Several other conditions, such as vaginal infections or irritable bladder, cause symptoms similar to those of a UTI. Your doctor may evaluate your health for one or more of these if you have urinary symptoms, depending on your medical history and how well you respond to treatment for a UTI.

I have an infection now, so I know the symptoms. Frequent urination. Burning, having to go and very little coming out. strong smell and dark. back pain or side pain. you can also have a combination of all.

idk for sure if i had a blatter infection, but i hurt so bad by my blatter, as if someone was sticking a kinife in it. i knew for sure there was something wrong with me, but i never went to the dr. so idk what it was for sure

burning sensation when you pee – sometimes feels like your passing broken glass or pins, dark or cloudy pee you see in toliet, it smells bad and a fever. drink lots of water and cranberry juice and go see the doctor for antibiotics.

Symptoms are frequency urination, incomplete bladder emptying, urgency and burning urination.

having to use the restroom alot and sometimes itll hurt and maybe littl blood and you know its not ur peeriod

You go to the bathroom a lot and it might burn. But get it taken care of soon cause they can make you really sick

possible burning urine have to go go go go possible fever pain when go

Having to go pee alot
Burning while peeing
Stomach cramps/stomache ache

hope this helps :)

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