What Are Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids?

by Symptom Advice on May 18, 2011

May 8th, 2011 by ghost

What are symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Signs and symptoms for hemorrhoids can be easily distinguishable. These hemorrhoids usually appear as fleshy but bloody lumps of skin that are painful to the touch. Internal hemorrhoids, on the other hand are more elusive – they are found inside your anus but are generally less painful than external hemorrhoids. Remember, hemorrhoids are characteristically veins that are wrapped around near the anal opening, which helps in cushioning passing stool so as not to give you discomfort. External hemorrhoids are the more visible kind of hemorrhoids that can be seen with the naked eye.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids for internal hemorrhoids can be painless bleeding when you pass stool. if you notice blood in your stool when you go to the bathroom, then maybe you have internal hemorrhoids. Anal seepage or mucus can seep out the anus and can cause you to itch as well as cause skin irritation around the infected region if not properly cleaned up. Internal hemorrhoids are more delicate since the slightest pressure might cause it to bleed, and in some cases advance to a more visible location due to swelling.

External hemorrhoids have symptoms that can be seen visibly. they are essentially blood clots under the skin, causing fleshy red lumps to gather around the area of you anus and can be quiet painful, especially when you sit on a chair for extended periods of time.

Hemorrhoids’ symptoms quickly advance to more painful version if an external hemorrhoid grows big enough to become thrombosed due to negligence of proper hygiene. the fleshy lumps around the anus will bulk up and grow into bigger and more painful manifestation of external hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids are not always visible or discernable under some conditions, which is why going to the doctor having him check up on you can help in getting proper treatment for your hemorrhoid.

Click here for more info: bleeding hemorrhoids and treatment for piles

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