What are symptoms of liver failure/disease/problems?

by Symptom Advice on April 14, 2011

I ask because I've been taking Tylenol almost daily for pain in my foot and then again nightly (sleep aid form) almost consistently for the last four years and I was just recently told that it could be damaging to the health of my liver.

This drug, taken in excess, can cause a problem
with the liver. If this drug is taken with
alcohol, it can destroy the liver cells almost

This drug taken at a normal range may not
cause damage to the liver cells…however,
being on it this long….it would be best
to see about having blood test every so
often to be sure.

It would be wise to speak to your doctor about
having some blood tests done to see how
your liver is doing…this way you will be sure
if there is a problem, then it can be treated
right away.

Usually, when there is a problem, the liver
has inflammation inside that may cause it
to start to enlarge in size. the liver is
a very quiet organ about any damage that
may occur…no signs or symptoms…until
it is too late and the cells have died off.
To ease your mind…I think I would discuss
all this with your doctor asap.

You shouldn't be taking any medication for that long without a Dr knowing about it.
Go to your Gp and ask them do a blood test to check your liver function ( LFT ) if you are worried.
And stop taking the meds.

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